TYPES OF DISEASES CAUSED BY BACTERIA –  There are various diseases caused by bacteria. Some of them are serious diseases that require treatment from a doctor. Check out the following article to find out various diseases caused by bacterial infections. Basically, bacteria are divided into two types, namely good bacteria and bad bacteria. The presence of good bacteria in the body is known to be beneficial for health. On the other hand, the presence of bad bacteria can cause various diseases.

Bacteria can enter the body in several ways, namely:
-Consuming food or drink that has been contaminated with bacteria
-Direct contact with feces, urine, or blood of a person who is infected with the bacteria Inhaling droplets or splashes of saliva or mucus that comes out of the mouth or nose of an infected person when they cough or sneeze -Touching surfaces where there is a risk of bacterial contamination, such as door handles or toilet surfaces

Various Diseases Caused by Bacterial Infections.

Of the various diseases caused by bacteria, here are the types of bacterial infectious diseases that are classified as dangerous:

Diarrhea Besides being caused by a viral infection, diarrhea is also a type of disease caused by bacteria, namely Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. When you have diarrhea, you will experience the following symptoms:

-Defecate 3 or more times a day -Stool consistency changes from solid to liquid

-Cramping or abdominal pain -bloating

-Dehydration Diarrhea can last for 1–2 days (acute diarrhea) or up to 3–4 weeks (chronic diarrhea).


Not only caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, dysentery is also a disease caused by bacteria, namely Shigella bacteria. This disease is also known as shigellosis or bacillary dysentery. Symptoms of dysentery usually include abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting, and bloody stools. In some people, shigellosis will not cause symptoms. However, in some other people, dysentery symptoms can appear 1-3 days after being infected with the bacteria. To determine the cause of dysentery, usually the doctor will perform a physical examination and supporting examinations, such as stool examination.

Recognize the Types of Meningitis

Recognize the Types of Meningitis

Recognize the Types of Meningitis – As we know today there are more and more diseases that we do not know what causes it and how to treat it. Meningitis is an infectious disease that attacks the meninges, the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. There are several other forms of meningitis some of which are caused by viruses or bacteria.

1. Bacterial meningitis
Bacterial meningitis is a potentially life-threatening disease. This disease can cause serious complications that can be fatal if not treated immediately.

This type of meningitis generally develops when bacteria enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and spinal cord. Types of bacteria that can cause meningitis include Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis.

The bacteria can be passed from person to person through coughing, sneezing, and other physical contact that allows the transfer of saliva. Some types of bacterial meningitis can also be caused by eating contaminated food.

Symptoms of bacterial meningitis include headache, fever, stiff neck, rash, nausea and vomiting, light sensitivity, and confusion that appear 3-7 days after exposure to the bacteria.

2. Viral meningitis
Viral meningitis is more common than bacterial meningitis. Generally, viral meningitis is less fatal.

Most cases of meningitis are caused by Enteroviruses. The symptoms are not much different from bacterial meningitis.

Generally, viral meningitis resolves without the need for special treatment. However, in some cases, this type of meningitis can be fatal depending on the type of virus, the age of the patient, and a weak immune system.

The enteroviruses that cause meningitis can be spread through secretions from the eyes, nose, mouth, or other fluids. Frequent hand washing can prevent you from this type of meningitis.

Also Read : Symptoms and Risks of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

3. Parasitic meningitis
Parasitic meningitis is a rare type of meningitis. This form causes a brain infection that can progress quickly and be fatal.

Symptoms of parasitic meningitis generally appear seven days after infection. Common symptoms include confusion, loss of balance, seizures, hallucinations, and a lack of sensitivity to the environment.

The parasite Naegleria fowleri, which causes meningitis, is found in warm fresh water such as lakes, rivers, and hot springs. This parasite is also commonly found in industrial wastewater, untreated swimming pools, and water heaters.

This organism will enter the body through the nose and travel to the brain where it begins to destroy brain tissue. Parasitic meningitis is not transmitted from person to person.

4. Fungal meningitis
Just like parasites, fungal meningitis is also referred to as a rare type of meningitis. Meningitis develops when the fungus enters the bloodstream.

Anyone is at risk for this disease. However, people with low immune systems are at higher risk.

Fungal meningitis is generally caused by fungal spores from soil or contaminated bird and bat droppings that are inhaled by the body.

Treatment generally consists of high doses of antifungal drugs which are usually given through an IV. The type of fungus and the condition of the patient’s immune system determine the length of treatment.

Symptoms and Risks of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Symptoms and Risks of Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Inflammation of the intestines is a disease that occurs in our intestines, where our intestines become inflamed and feel swelling. A very common symptom is a very painful stomach pain. Inflammation of the intestine consists of 2 types of diseases, namely ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation that occurs in the large intestine (colon) to the anus (rectum), while Crohn’s disease is an inflammation that can occur throughout the digestive system, from the mouth to the anus.

Symptoms and Risks of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Various Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel

1. Stomach pain
Abdominal pain is the main symptom of colitis. The location of abdominal pain experienced by sufferers varies, depending on the type of intestinal inflammation that occurs. Pain can also be different.

Pain in ulcerative colitis will be more common in the lower left abdomen and can feel like cramping or the feeling of wanting to have a bowel movement (BAB). While in Crohn’s disease, pain can occur anywhere, but most often is in the middle of the abdomen or lower right.

2. Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be a symptom of intestinal inflammation when it recurs, even diarrhea can also be bloody. Unlike diarrhea in general, diarrhea due to intestinal inflammation cannot be cured by itself or with ordinary medicines. In severe cases, diarrhea can even reach 10 times a day.

3. Fever
Fever can be a sign of inflammation in the body, including the intestines. Fever from inflammatory bowel disease can sometimes be accompanied by other symptoms of colitis, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.

If the fever lasts more than 3 days with no apparent cause and without accompanying symptoms, it is possible that the fever is a symptom of recurrent intestinal inflammation, or it may also appear for the first time.

Also Read : Airborne Diseases

4. Decreased appetite
Decreased appetite is also one of the symptoms of intestinal inflammation. This condition often occurs due to other symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, such as nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. Inflammation of the intestines can also have complications of thrush in the mouth, making eating uncomfortable and painful.

5. Bloody CHAPTER
Bloody stools are a common symptom of ulcerative colitis, although this condition can also be caused by Crohn’s disease. Blood that comes out with feces indicates that there is a wound in the digestive tract caused by inflammation.

In addition, bloody stools can also occur due to hemorrhoids, a common condition in people with inflammatory bowel disease who often experience diarrhea.

Airborne Diseases

Airborne Diseases – There are many diseases that can be transmitted from other people, one of which is through air that has been polluted with various kinds of viruses and bacteria. The following are some of the infectious diseases that are transmitted through the air:

1. Rubella

This disease is also known as German measles. Experts say this disease is caused by the rubella virus and can spread very easily. This disease mostly affects children and adolescents. In 2016 in our own country, according to WHO there were at least more than 800 confirmed cases of rubella.

According to experts, the main transmission of rubella can be through droplets of saliva in the air that the sufferer expels through coughing and sneezing. What about the symptoms? This disease will cause a red rash on the skin, but not the same as measles. Fortunately, rubella is milder than measles. However, when it attacks pregnant women, it’s another story.

Airborne Diseases

2. Histoplasmosis

This airborne disease is a fungal infection of the lungs caused by inhaling the spores of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Most of these viruses are found in soil, bird droppings, and bats. Spores of this fungus will enter the lungs when a person breathes.

Unfortunately, most people who have histoplasmosis don’t realize they have been infected. The reason is, in most cases histoplasmosis does not show symptoms. The thing to watch out for, this disease can have serious consequences in people with an immature immune system.

3. Influenza

It seems that almost everyone is familiar with this “million people” disease. Influenza viruses are very easy to pass from one person to another. Airborne diseases occur due to direct contact, such as sneezing or coughing. Influenza transmission can also be through non-contact. For example, touching objects that have been contaminated with the virus.

In many cases, a person who has this virus will experience mild symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, nasal congestion, and headaches. What is disturbing is that this airborne disease continues to mutate and cause various other serious diseases. For example, bird flu or swine flu.

Also Read :Get to Know The Factors That Cause a Heart Attack

4. Tuberculosis

The way of transmission is almost the same as the flu virus. Tuberculosis (TB) bacteria can be spread in the air when an infected person coughs, spits, or sneezes. Tuberculosis itself is an infection with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that can attack and damage the body’s tissues. In addition to attacking the lungs, TB can also spread to the bones, central nervous system, heart, lymph nodes, and other organs. Latent TB is the most common type of TB in an infected person. This latent TB is TB bacteria that are “sleeping” or not yet clinically active. This TB bacteria will be active and show symptoms after a certain period of time. It could be several weeks or years, depending on the health condition and endurance of the sufferer.

Get to Know The Factors That Cause a Heart Attack

Get to Know The Factors That Cause a Heart Attack – Heart attack is one type of disease that can kill the sufferer suddenly. This disease can occur due to a blockage in the flow of blood that leads to the heart. Blockage of these blood vessels in the form of cholesterol, fat accumulation, to the presence of other substances that form plaque in the arteries that rupture and form clots. Is the factor that causes

1. Excessive emotions and stress

The mental stress you feel when you are angry, excessively sad, or even stressed can be the cause of a heart attack. Because, mental situations like this make the body secrete the hormone cortisol which makes blood vessels stiffen. While the hormone norepinephrine that also appears can cause an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, you need to practice to be able to manage stress well as a way to keep your heart healthy.

Get to Know The Factors That Cause a Heart Attack

2. Physical activity that is too strenuous

Before exercising, Moms and Dads are always asked to warm up first. This is to reduce the risk of a heart attack, especially those caused by strenuous physical activity. So, for those of you who are just starting an exercise routine, it is recommended to do light or low impact movements first.

3. Overeating

Anything in excess can actually be dangerous. Not only physical activity, you are also not advised to overeat. Moreover, if the type of food is high in carbohydrates and fat, which will make the blood thicken more easily. This situation makes the blood vessels contract, the body becomes intense, and the heart’s performance becomes heavier than usual.

Also Read :Easy Ways to Treat Kidney Stones

4. Family history of illness

Heart disease can be passed down through genetics from parents to you or your little one. It would be better if you start checking the health condition of all family members to be able to anticipate various conditions, such as heart attacks.

5. Age factor

The age of every human being will certainly increase, so that the higher a person is at risk of experiencing diseases such as heart attacks. According to research, this disease generally occurs in men at the age of 45 years and women at the age of 55 years or who have experienced early menopause.

6. Extreme temperature changes

Changes in weather and temperature that occur in extremes can also trigger a heart attack. Cases that quite often occur are temperatures that suddenly become cold, so that blood pressure can increase drastically.

Easy Ways to Treat Kidney Stones

batu ginjal

Easy Ways to Treat Kidney Stones – Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. Kidney stones are formed when too many minerals and salts enter the body. Kidney stones that are formed can be small, large, to lump in a gap in the kidney.

Kidney stones can irritate the urinary tract and cause pain when urinating. Data shows that calcium oxalate is the most important mineral found in kidney stones. Drinking lots of fluids is very important to fight kidney stones. The fluid serves to help shed stones and sand through the urinary tract.

A person can have kidney stones for many different reasons. Something happens because urine is concentrated due to not drinking enough water, which in turn makes acid and mineral salts come together to form stones. These stones can affect different parts of the urinary system, from the kidneys to the bladder. Therefore it is more appropriate to call it a urinary tract stone, because it is not only in the kidneys.

You may find some relief for kidney stones to pass through the urinary tract, but the process of passing a kidney stone itself can be very painful. The best effort is how to treat kidney stones without causing pain and permanent damage to the urinary tract.

Kidney Stone Natural Medicine

Many drink
Drinking lots of water will help shed kidney stones. You may have to drink up to 2.8 liters per day to see results. To find out whether you have drunk enough or not, then try to pay attention to the color of your urine, if you see clear colored urine, it means you have drunk a lot.

Use Lemon
While increasing your water intake, you can also use lemon as a mixture to help break up kidney stones. Lemon juice contains citric acid which helps break down calcium-based stones and makes them easier to pass in the urine. You should aim to consume up to 125 ml of pure lemon juice a day.

Reducing Salt and Protein Intake
Limit your intake of salt and protein-rich meats because salt increases calcium in the urine, while protein increases oxalate, calcium and uric acid in the urine. Meat protein contains a lot of sulfur which makes the problem worse.

Consumption of Dietary Fiber
Include fresh vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet when you are trying to get rid of kidney stones. Some fiber-rich foods also contain phytate which reduces the crystallization of calcium salts and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Add oats, corn, apples, berries, and other fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

Avoid Soft Drinks
When trying to treat kidney stones, you should avoid soft drinks. Caffeinated drinks will also make things worse because they have phosphoric acid which will increase stone formation. Avoid coffee and tea to perpetuate this goal.

Also Read : Symptoms and How to Overcome Sinusitis

When trying to treat kidney stones, all you have to do is get regular light to moderate exercise. This will help keep the stone moving and make it easier to pass through the urine. Be sure to stick to light exercises like walking to avoid pain during the workout. Take a break if you start to experience pain from the stone moving through the urinary tract.

Basil juice
The leaves of this fragrant plant are usually used to complement fresh vegetables. Apparently, basil is also good consumed for those who suffer from kidney stones. Basil contains acetic acid which can help break down kidney stones and reduce pain. Basil has also long been known as a traditional remedy for indigestion and inflammation. Use fresh or dried basil leaves to make tea and drink a few glasses per day. You can also juice fresh basil in a juicer or add it to a smoothie. However, it is not recommended to consume basil juice for 6 consecutive weeks because it can cause low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and increased bleeding.

Apple cider vinegar
Like basil, apple cider vinegar also contains acetic acid which can help dissolve kidney stones. Apart from removing kidney stones, apple cider vinegar can help relieve the pain caused by this disease. However, it should be noted that you should not drink more than one 8-ounce glass of apple cider vinegar juice mixture per day. Excessive consumption of apple cider vinegar can lead to low potassium levels and osteoporosis. In addition, diabetics should also be careful when drinking apple cider vinegar, …

Symptoms and How to Overcome Sinusitis


Symptoms and How to Overcome Sinusitis – Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Sinusitis is a condition in which the nasal cavity becomes infected, irritated. The infection is caused by a virus. However, it cannot rule out the possibility that bacteria and fungi can also cause sinusitis. Usually, there are several sinus symptoms that you can experience. The sinuses make mucus that flows out of the nasal passages. That way, the nose remains clean and free of bacteria.

The sinuses are usually filled with air. However, when its function is disturbed, this part of the body can become clogged and filled with fluid. This condition triggers the growth of bacteria as well as triggers infection. As a result, the sinuses are often inflamed and the tissues in the nose become swollen.

No matter what type of sinus you have, there are some common symptoms. However, everyone experiences different symptoms. So, if you experience at least one symptom in the long term, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor immediately.

Nasal congestion
Nasal congestion is one of the most common sinus symptoms. The infection causes the sinuses to become inflamed, making it difficult for you to breathe. Not only that, you may find it difficult to smell and taste the food or drink.

Slimy Nose
When experiencing sinusitis, the nose will continue to secrete mucus or mucus. Fluid or mucus that comes out of the nose is usually green, yellow, or cloudy. This mucus comes from the infected sinus and then flows into the nasal passages. This is one of the signs of sinusitis to watch out for.

This mucus can make the nose itch to sore throat because it can flow through the nose and down the back of the throat. This symptom, known as postnasal drip, can also cause coughing while sleeping or in the morning after waking up, as well as making your voice hoarse.


Persistent sinus pain can trigger headache symptoms. This pressure and swelling of the sinuses triggers toothache, earache, and jaw pain. Headaches due to sinus pain are worse in the morning because fluid has accumulated throughout the night during sleep.


Mucus or mucus that flows down the back of the throat for a long time will cause irritation of the throat. In addition, it can trigger a persistent cough that gets worse when lying down or going to sleep.

These symptoms are very disturbing sleep comfort. Try sleeping in a sitting position or with your head elevated by stacking the pillows high.

Also Read : Deadly Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

Sore throat

Sinus mucus can also make your throat sore and lead to inflammation. Although the initial symptoms will only feel itchy, but gradually it is prone to worsening if left alone.

If the symptoms of sinusitis last for several weeks or more, the mucus can irritate and inflame the throat passages. So that when the mucus drips, there is a pain in the throat which will be very annoying.

Painful face

The sinuses are located in several locations, such as behind the nose and below and above the eyes. Therefore, you may feel pain in several locations. For example in the forehead, nose, teeth, and jaw.

How to Overcome Sinusitis Symptoms

You are advised to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of sinusitis. After asking your medical history, asking about your symptoms, and doing a physical examination, your doctor will usually carry out a follow-up examination if you suspect that you have sinusitis.

Examples of further examinations that may be recommended are X-rays, CT scans, or nasal endoscopy. Once it is confirmed that you have sinusitis, then the treatment will be carried out.

Treatment of sinusitis symptoms should be based on the cause of the sinusitis itself. Otherwise, symptoms can recur and even get worse. Examples of drugs that doctors give to relieve symptoms of sinusitis and treat the cause are:

1. Decongestant spray
Spray decongestants can shrink the swollen lining of the nasal passages and improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses. However, this treatment is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

2. Antibiotics
If sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. You must take this drug according to the doctor’s advice, because improper use can actually make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This can worsen sinusitis in the future.

3. Antihistamines
If sinusitis is caused by allergies, the doctor will give you an antihistamine. …

Deadly Diseases Caused by Air Pollution


Deadly Diseases Caused by Air Pollution – Air pollution has become a worldwide problem. Data says air pollution is responsible for 4.2 million deaths every year. The reason is that 9 out of 10 people in the world breathe polluted air every day, including the Indonesian population. The main sources of these pollutants include refinery power plants, petrochemical, chemical and fertilizer industries, as well as other industrial plants. Other sources include cars, trains, motorcycles, and other vehicles.

There are also natural sources of pollutants, including disasters such as forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dust storms, and land burning. These pollutant sources produce dispersed particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and lead. If it enters the body, pollutants can cause health problems, which can be fatal. The following is a list of diseases caused by air pollution.

1. Lung Infection

The first impact of air pollution on human health is lung infection. No wonder indeed, because every day you must breathe air to breathe. The negative effects of poor air quality are exacerbated by exposure to children.

2. Lung Cancer
In lung cancer, lung cells become abnormal so that they grow out of control. Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and weight loss for no apparent reason. According to WHO, in addition to infection, particulate matter in air pollution can contribute to lung cancer.

3. Worsens COPD Symptoms

Exposure to air pollution can make it difficult for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to breathe. COPD is a long-term inflammation of the lungs, which blocks the flow of air in this respiratory organ. Severe symptoms can lead to hospitalization due to excruciating shortness of breath, leading to death.

4. Asthma Attack
Exposure to particulate matter in air pollution can be dangerous for those with asthma. Asthma attacks and relapses can also occur more frequently.

5. Heart and Blood Vessel Disease

Diseases caused by air pollution are not only related to the lungs. Air pollution can also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

6. Developmental Process Disorder
Exposure to air pollution can slow and impair lung development in growing children. This air pollution impairs their present health and also decreases their lung function as they mature.

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7. Swelling and Irritation of Lung Tissue

People with healthy lungs are prone to irritation and swelling. For those living with chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD, this effect can be very dangerous.

8. Low Birth Weight
Several studies have shown that exposure to air pollution can increase the risk of low birth weight and infant mortality. That’s why, pregnant women are obliged to avoid diseases caused by air pollution do not occur in babies.

9. Wheezing, Coughing, and Difficulty Breathing

Wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing can be symptoms caused by exposure to air pollution, both in the short and long term.

10. Death
Research shows short-term and long-term exposure to polluted air can shorten life and cause death.

White Tongue These are 5 Symptoms of Disease

White Tongue These are 5 Symptoms of Diseasef

White Tongue These are 5 Symptoms of Disease – A normal tongue will appear pink and not pale. However, like any other organ, the tongue can have problems. One of them is white tongue condition.

usually the white tongue will cover part or all of the tongue. This is not a scary condition, as it usually resolves within a few weeks. However, if it persists for a long time and causes problems with eating or talking, see a doctor immediately.

Why? Because the condition of a white tongue like that could be a symptom of several diseases that need medical attention.

1. Leukoplakia

Leukoplakia can be caused by an overgrowth of cells in the lining of the mouth. These cells will combine with keratin protein to form white patches on the tongue. This often occurs in an active smoker and a hobby of consuming alcoholic beverages. However, leukoplakia can also occur for no apparent reason.

Although not a very serious condition, sometimes leukoplakia can turn into. Therefore, immediately go to the doctor and have your condition checked.

2. Oral lichen planus

This situation will cause thick white patches on the mouth and tongue. Usually this condition will also occur along with the appearance of sores or pain in the cheeks and gums.

However, people who experience it need regular health checks because there is a possibility that they are more at risk of developing oral cancer.

3. Geographic tongue

a condition where the papillae on the tongue disappears and blotches appear on the surface of the tongue that look like smooth red “islands”. This can happen when the skin layer of the tongue peels off, then new tongue skin grows.

Well, the top layer of skin on the tongue that peels off too quickly will turn soft red. Meanwhile, the rest of the tongue that hasn’t peeled off will turn white.

but this condition can interfere with the quality of life of the sufferer. Sometimes the geographic tongue can cause discomfort on the tongue and become more sensitive to certain foods, such as spices, salt, and candy.

Also Read: 5 Facts About Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

4. Oral thrush

is an oral infection caused by the Candida fungus. Usually this is experienced by diabetes patients, people with weak immune systems, iron or vitamin B deficiency, and denture wearers.

This condition can cause patches to develop on the mouth and tongue. The spots are usually white in color and will be very painful when the sufferer is eating or drinking.

5. Syphilis

Usually the condition starts as small red patches or grows into larger open sores, which can be red, yellow, or gray in color. It is very contagious and often painful. If left untreated, the sores can disappear, but the sufferer still has syphilis and can pass it on to other people.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that is actually very treatable in its early stages. The dentist can perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If positive, the patient will be referred to a primary care doctor for further testing and treatment. Untreated syphilis can cause long-term damage to the heart and brain.

If you experience a white tongue, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. Although generally harmless, white patches on the tongue or other unusual spots can indicate a disease that requires medical treatment. So, check with the doctor to determine the cause and get the right treatment, huh.

5 Facts About Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

5 Facts About Lion's Mane Mushrooms

5 Facts About Lion’s Mane Mushrooms – Have you ever heard of the lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)? Just from the name, you can guess that this mushroom has a shape like a lion’s mane.

This mushroom has been researched to have extraordinary benefits such as increasing immunity to its potential to fight dementia to Alzheimer’s. Not only that, this mushroom is also able to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

1. A medicinal mushroom frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine

Lion’s mane mushroom or Hericium erinaceus is an edible mushroom that is native to North America, Europe, and Asia. In Indonesia, this fungus is called pom pom mushroom. This fungus is very common growing on hard trees in late summer and early fall.

mentioned that lion’s mane mushrooms contain a number of health-promoting substances, including antioxidants and beta-glucans.

2. Healthy benefits obtained from the lion’s mane mushrooms

Lion’s mane mushrooms are claimed to help overcome various health problems, including Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, depression, high cholesterol, inflammation, ulcers, and Parkinson’s disease.

Additionally, lion’s mane is said to strengthen the immune system, stimulate digestion, and help protect the body from cancer.

However, it is important to note that most of the research has been carried out on animals or via test tube tests, so further research is needed to determine the effects of the lion’s mane fungus on humans.

3. Can help repair damaged nerve cells

Research has shown that lion’s mane mushroom has the potential to aid in nerve cell growth and repair.

The results reveal that the lion’s mane mushroom helps protect against memory problems caused by the build-up of amyloid beta, a substance that forms the associated brain plaque.

This fungus also has the potential to have benefits for stroke sufferers. However, studies that are still ongoing so far have not yet conducted human trials.

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4. Helps overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety

In the study, 30 menopausal women ate a cake containing lion’s mane mushrooms every day for four weeks. The researchers observed that those who consumed it were less irritable and anxious, and had less difficulty concentrating.

5. Can help fight cancer

Research shows that lion’s mane mushroom holds promise for protection. A 2011 study in the journal Food & Function conducted tests on human cells and found that the fungus can help immobilize leukemia cells.